Red Saffron Zine
A for-profit fanzine celebrating WLW relationships in Tales Of.
Questions | Answers |
How many contributors are you accepting? | We are hosting 18 artists, 2 guest artists, and 7 authors, as well as a cover page artist, charm artist, and print artist, for a total of 30 contributors. |
Will this be a physical zine? Will there be merch? | Yes, there will be a physical zine bundle that will come with a set of acrylic charms and a small print. You can also just purchase the book itself, however we will not allow the sale of just the merchandise. |
Is this zine SFW? | Yes, all portrayals of ships will be SFW. Certain suggestive themes are acceptable so long as the ship is between two consenting adults. |
Can minors apply? | We ask that all who apply to be moderators are age 18 or older, and all who apply to be contributors are age 16 or older. |
What kind of works will this zine feature? | This zine will feature illustrations and short writing pieces. |
Will contributors receive a copy? | Regardless of whether or not we break even, all contributors will receive a digital copy. Depending on the success of the zine, if we break even in production, contributors will receive a physical copy as well. |
Will there be guest contributors? | Yes, we currently have 3 guest artists invited to the zine. |
Why isn't [x] ship in it? Why is [x] ship in it? | Ships are chosen at the discretion of the contributors and with final approval from the moderators. |
How will ships be assigned? | Applicants will choose their top three ships from a predetermined list, (though can of course suggest their own), as well as indicating all ships they are all comfortable with. We will try to give everyone at least one of their choices, but due to the nature of the popularity of some ships we understand this is wishful thinking. Note that guests will have their first choices. |
Tomboy Taru || usernameapathy
*Please note that the schedule is subject to change at any point, but deadlines will never be moved up, only further down. Items that are crossed out have already passed.
Date | Objective |
November 5th | 2nd Check In |
December 5th | Final Check In |
December 15th | First Draft Assembled |
December 20th | Pre-orders Begin |
January 20th, 2022 | Pre-orders End |
February 1st, 2022 | Production Begins |
Late Winter-Early Spring 2022 | Shipping |
Artist Guidelines
• Artists will be asked to create a portfolio with 3 to 10 of their best works.
• Charm artist applicants must include 1-3 samples of merch created. Print artists will be chosen based on complexity and composition of the samples they submit in their regular portfolio.
• Please only submit finished pieces. Pieces in your portfolio should be fully rendered, not sketches, line art, or works in progress.
• Your samples should also showcase some background work. Please include several samples that have environments (interior room, outdoor setting, landscape, etc.,)
• Your portfolio does not have to include Tales art, but if a piece reflects the ship you request, it may help your chances to get priority.
• Preferred portfolio formats are Google Drive folders and DropBox folders. Also acceptable are tumblr tags or Twitter moments.
• Portfolios we cannot access will be skipped.
Writer Guidelines
• Writers will be asked to send 2-3 samples of 2000 words or less to be evaluated for a spot in the zine.
• Samples will be judged on criteria like flow, dialogue, diction, grammar, etc. When submitting your samples, please submit links to Google Docs.
• Grammar and spelling will affect your eligibility, so please proofread before submitting.
• A Tales related piece is not required, but it is preferred.
• Excerpts are fine as long as you include one piece that is in its entirety and still under word count.
• Please put what you believe to be your strongest work first in the application.
• Please make sure your Google Doc links are viewable upon applying. If we cannot access your samples, we will skip over them.